Friday, April 22, 2016

Was Potty Gate ANOTHER Master Persuader Move?

So Trump recently got some heat for condemning a NC bathroom law, even though he said was also against the idea of transgender bathrooms.

He basically said he felt NC shouldn't have made any laws one way or another,  It does avoid being politically correct, since he stopped short of embracing anything beyond status-quo, but boy did he get heat for this?

But let's think of this from Scott Adams' 3D persuasion filter.  Firstly, I'm not sure how New England or California republicans will react to it, but I'd bet real money it doesn't bother them as much as it would the southern ones.  Second, what exactly is going on?  If you guessed "a bunch of right-wing nuts bashing Trump for not being a bigot", I'd say you're wrong, but I'd also say a lot of people would agree with you.

See, Trump has a bit of a problem with smears that he is somehow a bigot because he doesn't want Cartel Thugs, Daesh, or Rapefugees in our country.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't think he won over the SJW crowd with this, and I don't think he was trying to.  In fact, I think he probably still has their collective ire, BUT, this may easily slow any "bigot" smears he gets in the future.  They will be at least somewhat less sticky after this.

A risky move, but probably less risky than calling out Bush in South Carolina, and he survived THAT.  We'll see how it goes, but if he gets past the primaries, this'll be a General Election win for Trump.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Soviet Style Elections in Colorado Lend Weight to Illuminati Theories

I'll be real clear, I do not believe that the Illuminati is itself real.  BUT, the RNC and DNC have enough control over the primary process that they can behave like they fit the role, and the Donor Class has enough influence over the both of them, that for all intents and purposes, it really feels like we have little to no control over our government.  This, despite us being a supposed democracy.

So what, exactly happened in Colorado?  They had a "Convention", same concept as the one in July, but WITHOUT BOUND DELEGATES.  In fact, it was worse than that, b/c some of the ones who were voting to select Trump delegates were kicked out, and/or had their votes nullified (I'll give benefit of the doubt that 379's omission may have been a mistake).  Then, to make it even worse, they then passed a rule banning the delegates they ended up selecting from voting for Trump on ANY ballot at the Cleveland convention.

So basically, if you voted at all in Colorado, it was for an RNC insider, who was not bound to vote on April 9th the way they said they would, and if they chose Trump, they were mostly discounted.  If you replace the word "republican", with the word "communist", that will resemble a USSR style election.

But yet, the RNC, including Reince Priebus himself, are DEFENDING this.

Welcome Comrads, we are now in the Soviet Union.

Friday, April 1, 2016

(Joke)Mitt Romney Sex Tape Found(Joke)

NOTE: April Fools day post, do not take it seriously.

Someone claiming to be from Anonymous, the REAL anonymous, sent me a graphic video via Direct Message on Twitter.  It involves Mitt Romney, but the partner is not who you would think.  It wasn't Ann. Paul Ryan, or even Marco Lubio.  Interestingly, it was, in fact, Barack Obama.  This may come off as weird, but it does make sense of the fact that he barely attacked Obama during his presidential bid.

As for the date, it's not clear, but one thing is for certain, the rumors of Obama being gay have at least something to them.  I am currently contemplating where to submit the video to, but it can't be youtube, as it would clearly violate the TOS.  Stay tuned.