Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Scott Walker Chronicles Part 3 - Walker National Committie

Check this bloomberg article for a second:


Oh sure, it talkes about some stupid primary fight, but it also certifies Walker's ties to Reince and Ryan, there's also this picture:

Romney, Ryan, Reince, and Walker.  These 4 are not just RNC members, THEY ARE THE RNC think about that.  Whether you like Donald Trump or not, you probably do not agree with ideas such as election fraud, or, say, using brokered conventions to steal an election and calling it "the rules", even if it goes against the use of the voters.

This is why the Electoral college faces jail time if they don't vote the way they pledge, but the delegate game is EVEN SHADIER, but LESS KNOWN. They can steal it even if someone has 1237, by simply picking the right rules.  Naturally, it would be the death of their party, but they can, and some have shown such a willingness.

So with Walker being one of the big 4 of such a shady organization, it's NOT difficult to imagine why things like rampant police corruption (Manitowoc), Soviet Union style crackdowns on, well, Unions, high unemployment, high deficits and the like are the norm in Wisconsin.  Not according to Walker though, because according to him and his twitter feed (both of them), Wisconsin is a paradise of exactly the opposite of what the data says.

That reminds me of something, wanna guess what that is?

I called him Comrad Walker after yesterday, but in light of his two day twitter tantrums, maybe that was a bit more fitting than I intended.

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