Saturday, December 24, 2016

The hypocrisy and myopia of the Media's Anti-Putin propaganda

I remember the media's coverage of Putin before the Iraq war, and if you can believe it, it was so opposite of what it is now.  Back then, he was the savior of Russia and a great ally to the US.  Funny how, the moment he called bullshit on one of our wars, that all changed.  But this blog isn't about that, it's about the way in which the Media lies on Putin, while downplaying our own leaders' similar political moves.  For example:

Khordokhovsky was Russia's Blago

Rod Blagoyavich, for those unaware, is absolutely guilty of the corruption for which he was charged. The problem is, no charges happened until after he badmouthed Barack Obama.  The same is largely true of Khordokhovsky, with some key differences:

-Khordokhovsky's crime was far more serious.  He embezzled a high percentage of Russia's total GDP during the Yeltsin era.  Before this, Russia already had tons of crime and corruption troubles, it got worse after Khordokhovsky's crime.

-Blago was being obnoxious and a bit offensive, but what Mikhail Khordokhovsky said about Putin was very serious, and downright defamatory if wrong (which, to be fair, I am not sure if it is or not).  Not to mention it was rather ironic of him to accuse Putin of accepting bribes after Mikhail himself had embezzled money from the government and participated in countless bribes.

-Putin did EVENTUALLY pardon Mikhail, Blago will have no such mercy from Obama.

And sure, Putin IS wrong for not jailing Mikhail before this point, but it's not the anti-free speech story that you were told by the MSM.

What "Pussy Riot" did is, at best, a class A Misdemeanor in the US, netting you at least as much time here in the states

Quick, go into a church, get on a loud speaker, and disrupt services while refusing to leave.  You'll be VERY lucky if you don't get a felony for that.  It's not only disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct, but it can even be considered trespassing if you are asked to leave but don't.

Well, that's what Cunt Riot did, and if you think that should be legal, well, I disagree, but at least admit that our own laws also prohibit these things and they are far from unenforced.

So no, they weren't jailed for protesting Putin, they were jailed for being obnoxious, disruptive, and refusing to leave.   In fact, this is exactly why church goers protested a Pussy Riot tribute, it's not their love for Mr. Putin, but their hate for obnoxious brats.

Crimea, Ukraine, yadda yadda

Devil is in the details, but this youtube video describes it well, suffice to say, it is pretty much the opposite of what you have heard.

Alleged murders of political enemies

Of course, while none of this has been proven, none of it can be ruled out either.  While, in fairness, proving a negative is difficult, when it isn't impossible, let's just assume it's all true for the sake of argument.

Firstly, Andrew Breitbart, Obama's most notorious critic, suddenly drops dead.  There were others, but Breitbart is the most known example.

And neither Obama nor Putin have a list as long as the infamous Clinton Body Count, which, by the way, DID NOT end with Seth Rich, as a woman investigating a pedo ring in Haiti, that allegedly ties to the Clintons, also recently died.

And sure, this is bad also, but it means Putin, at worst, is ON PAR with our politicians as far as murdering opposition goes.

My own opinion

While Putin is no worse than our politicians, he doesn't appear to be a whole lot better either, he's anti-PC, as are most Russians, so there's that.  But overall, he comes off to me not as a tyrant or a great leader, but as a flawed human being running a country.

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