Friday, January 20, 2017

List of Obama's "accomplishments" as POTUS

1. Sold out Hard Working Americans to Big Insurance.
1a. When the Supreme Court made it worse by cancelling the medicaid expansion, he called this "A victory for Americans"

2. More than Doubled George W. Bush's Deficit
3. Expanded the Patriot Act.
4. Continued to get us into trouble in the middle east by going to war in Lybia and Syria
4a. Gave the Lockerbie Bomber back to Qaddafi, where he received a hero's welcome for his act of terrorism.
4b. Attacked Assad instead of ISIS in Syria, resulting in the Rapefugee crisis.

5. Expanded W's "Bailout" program, making the rich richer, while doing nothing for the poor.
6. Changed "Unemployment" from "Percentage of workforce looking for work" to "Percentage of workforce on unemployment benefits"
6a. Made it MUCH more difficult to receive unemployment benefits, while this screwed over poor Americans, it DID "conveniently" make the "unemployment rate" go down (see above).

7. Endangered innocent people all over the world in the name of "closing Guantanamo" (for the record, I support closing it, but not by dumping the inmates on other countries).
7a. Ghana for instance, ousted its leader over this.  It's Islamic North is being slowly radicalized by the "Gitmo 2".

8. Aggressively persecuted whistleblowers.
8a. Allowed Chelsea Manning to be:
-Denied all human contact
-Denied all forms of entertainment
-Denied her/his glasses
-Denied clothing, including, sometimes, even underwear
-Forced to sleep during daylight hours, and forced to face towards her/his cell's light bulb while doing so.
-Beaten for singing, dancing, and sometimes just making faces in the mirror.
-Denied food from time to time.
-On 23, sometimes 24 hour lockdown (s/he was sometimes denied the daily "exercise time")
-Would have been denied commutation if s/he wasn't trans.

9. Appointed dovish Fed Chairs, destroying people's savings and retirement plans due to a lack of reliable investment options.
9a. Many late Gen Xers will retire later than the Baby Boom generation because of this.

10. Signed the Trans Atlantic Partnership, exacerbating the wage stagnation and job out-sourcing problems brought by NAFTA.
10a. Tried to further this with TPP, thankfully, that failed.

11. Exacerbated existing tensions with Russia, and abused the Ad Council to spread anti-Russia propaganda through the media.
12. Exacerbated existing tensions with North Korea, leading to several Nuclear threats (granted, it's dubious if they were serious, but still)

NOTE; I'm no fan of North Korea, but they are there, and aren't going away.  They maybe shouldn't have nukes, but they do, and provoking them was idiotic.  W did it too, yes, but how is THAT an excuse?

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