Monday, February 20, 2017

Thought Experiment, How the media can easily use FACTS to tell a LIE

Imagine for a moment that a religious establishment is suicide bombed:

-A mosque

-By a Muslim

-Who was white and non-ISIS

-But sympathized

-But regretted it and was forced to do so by ISIS

-But by the time they forced him, he had changed his mind.

You may notice that with each new "fact" the narrative completely flips.  If I can do this sitting at my keyboard, imagine what an experienced, Media propagandist can do.

Think about that next time you decide to buy into a media hit piece on somebody.  This stuff starts with PewDiePie and Milo, but it ends with you and me.  Don't think just because you're not famous that the media will not target you, George Zimmerman wasn't famous, neither was Justin Barker, or Eron Gjoni, that didn't stop the media from dragging their lives through the mud.

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