Friday, January 29, 2016

Evidence that Social Justice Warriors (PC Police) are the racist scum they say everyone else is

At Oregon State University, they recently started a Jim Crow segregation program under the guise of "Social Justice", seen here.  The thing is, these are the same people who call everyone a racist or misogynist for stupid things.  More on that later, but after initiating this Jim Crow bullshit, the PC Cops then took it a step further in trying to censor Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech, not kidding.

UPDATE 2/16/2016 - There is now evidence that SJW's are using the Violence Against Women Act is being used to discriminate against black people.  I will keep adding more evidence as I find it.

So I guess if you play video games, you're a misogynist because a couple of twitter gamers used the word "whore" back in August 2014, if you're an atheist, you're a misogynist because atheism+, if you talk about periods or say rude things to women, even if said rude things are gender neutral, you're a misogynist.  I guess if you talk about illegals, you hate Mexicans, even though it's an offensive stereotype to equate Mexicans with illegals.  If you hate cartel thugs, you're a racist.  If you hate a horrible president, who happens to be black, you're a racist.

But instituting Jim Crow tyranny, and taking down MLK's great speech, that's tolerance, because "Social Justice", amirite?

Do the PC Police actually believe their own bullshit?  Or is this really just one big gotcha and they've been trolling us this whole time?  Either way, with Hillary Clinton, and to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders Catering to the PC Police, we need to be backing far away from the Democratic ticket this election.  Jeb! is doing it too, but hasn't a chance.  And only Donald Trump is standing up to these racists.

So when you go to the polls in the primary and the general, think about this.  The people Trump stands against are what the MSM wants you to think Trump is, maybe that is why they fear him.  Because the SJWs in the media know that Social Justice Jim Crow hasn't a chance in hell under Trump.

They call it the Regressive Left for a reason, and Trump is our best hope of stopping it cold.

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