Sunday, January 31, 2016

Screw the presidential race, Ted Cruz belongs in prison

Making people think that they might be going to jail if they don't vote for you IS VOTER INTIMIDATION!

Making an official looking letter, with the words "Violation", is a clear attempt to make the voter think they have broken the law, because that's what the government does when you actually have broken the law, usually this is done as a warning before they arrest or fine you.  It is not acceptable nor is it okay.  I am officially calling for a push for Ted Cruz to be thrown in prison for blatant and flagrant Voter Intimidation, whether he wins or losses the primaries or the general election (which he won't because the swing states will NEVER vote for someone who thinks non-conservative values are unAmerican).

No, even when he is out if the race, it is time for this nonsense to stop.  A person can not be expected to get away with trying to bully people into voting for them, we have laws against this for a reason. Contact your local and federal authorities and bring this to their attention.  Keep pushing, ANYONE who does this can and should be held accountable.



  1. The Wallace interview 2/28/2015 on Youtube with Ted Cruz.

    WOW, this really showed the nasty side that Trump and others have talked about Ted Cruz having. Toward the very ending of this interview, Wallace asked him specific questions regarding his nasty little campaign tricks which were all true, and in fact Cruz himself did call Carson afterward and apologize ( a little too late) He also fired his campaign manager which is also a major admittance of guilt that his campaign was using dirty tricks to sway voters with lies about other candidates. Cruz's attitude was exactly as I have always expected him to be, a man that in his mind already see's himself as the President and was offend by being questioned by Chris Wallace. He immediately dodged to answer and instead of taking blame, he turned this around on being Trump's fault somehow. His inability to be confronted at this point in the "election" only proves to me that this man is NOT who I will even consider to vote for and would take tooth and nail for me to cast my vote if he were the nominee. The way that Cruz responded to Wallace "don't interrupt me" 3 times in a row was insidious. Then he carried on like a child saying "may I talk now" made me sick! He then went into a rant like a 10 year old boy with by saying, but you didn't ask Trump this, and you didn't ask Trump that" (whaaa!) To top off the interview, Chris Wallace said thank you while Cruz did not have the class to say thank you back. In conclusion...this man is everything they say he is. Pure NASTY..and not the man that anyone should want to call President! He is the establishment that we do NOT want!

    1. I agree, but I guess he won't go to prison until at least 2018 unless he commits a FEDERAL crime because governor Abbot loves Cruz.
