Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why I support Donald Trump's decision to walk out on the Faux News Debate

It's a bit known that back in August, SJW Megyn Kelly frivolously accused Donald Trump of sexism for what, at worst, was crass humor.  Most people think that's the entire reason for Trump skipping out.  Well, the problem with that theory is that many of her recent shows have been hit pieces, aimed at Trump.  She even called, of all people, Micheal Moore to help her attack Trump:

You are not seeing a parody clip or a joke show, she actually summoned Mr. Fahrenheit 911.  For those who don't know, 9/11 conspiracy theories started not with loose change, but Fahrenheit 911.  Loose Change is just more infamous because it's actually more batshit insane than Fahrenheit 911, as if that was possible.  This is like calling on Alex Jones to take someone down, except, Alex, at least, believes his own bullshit. And before I move on, I just want to ensure you conservatives and moderates that we liberals ARE NOTHING LIKE MOORE.

But back to Faux News the point is, there was more reason for the feud with Kelly than just the 1 incident.  And a cursory look at Bret Baer's youtube channel and show also hints at an anti-Trump bias, albiet a more subtle one.  Here's a video showcasing some of her hitpiece shows, many making erroneous claims:

FYI Megyn, no republican has a majority of the black, women, or young vote, but Trump does better with them than the other republicans.

So you have two moderators, one obviously biased, another seeming to be, and a network unwilling to waver even on the most obviously biased one.  That's unprofessional as it is, but then there was this:
We learned from a secret back channel, that the ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.
Now I know that Mr. Trump hasn't run his campaign professionally either, and perhaps he should start doing so.  The difference is, that Trump is not in a position where his job is to be objective, he is in a position where his job is to push his own agenda and prop up his poll numbers. He is not running a debate for the sake of the voters, aimed at helping them decide.  Mocking a candidate, and standing behind blatantly biased moderators is unacceptable, it is the job of the network to HELP people decide, not to MAKE them decide.

Now with that said, it is possible this will hurt his campaign, yes.  It is also very likely that the debate was a show trial aimed at persecuting Donald Trump in the court of public opinion. Either decision could potentially end his campaign (though, other decisions seemed like they could have, but didn't), but walking out at least gave him the opportunity to screw over Faux News.

It's the difference between losing with your head up, or losing with your head down.  And who knows, this may actually INCREASE his poll numbers.

Update: Added video showcasing Megyn's hit pieces on Trump and some Italics commentary.

Update 2: Faux News is now implying that Trump is a terrorist.....for walking out on a debate:

Even if you think it was dumb or cowardly, there IS NO WAY that is terrorism.

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