Monday, February 29, 2016

How the Regressive Left are creating more bigotry Part 1 - Reverse Bigotry

Reverse Bigotry first, there are a few things that need to be covered on how bad the reverse bigotry has gotten.

Gamer Gate

By now, you probably know the media narrative.  If not, here it is:

-Gamers are misogynist, fat, white male neckbeards who harass women.

If you're black, female, skinny, or don't harass women and play video games, that's probably confusing to you.  Here's the real story:

-Anita Sarkesean has been on a crowd funded smear campaign against video games and people who play them since 2012, gamers took issue with being mislabeled and the predictable mix of sensible and less than sensible backlash took place.

-Zoe Quinn, slept her way into the indie dev scene (in fairness, it is nigh-impossible to get in), cheating on her boyfriend in the process.  When called out on this, she teamed up with Anita and the gaming press to slander the gamer community.

-The regular press jumped on the "gamers are misogynists" bandwagon.

So now, if you play video games, you are at risk of being mislabeled and discriminated against, in the name of tolerance.


I know a lot less about this subject, being a christian.  But the idea is that religious people are misogynists, and so are Atheists if they're not Atheism+.  So now, calling yourself an Atheist runs the same risk as calling yourself a gamer.  That's a bit odd, really

Political Incorrectness, Trump, and the word "slut"

The press seems giddy over Donald Trump, who has denounced David Duke and countless racist groups many times over the past years and even recently, saying he needs to research groups to make sure they are racist before condemning them.  This is not unreasonable, considering how SJW's have mislabeled people for some of the dumbest reasons imaginable.

I don't know if George Zimmerman is racist or not, but if he is, the reason he is racist is NOT because he shot someone who happened to be black, in apparent self defense.  Is Rush Limbaugh a misogynist?  He certainly could be, but it ISN'T because he called someone a slut for taking a lot of birth control.  The scientist who landed a probe on an asteroid?  Maybe misogynist, maybe not, but wearing a T-shirt with hot women on it is NO grounds for accusing him of such.  Is it racist to tweet statistics showcasing black on black crime?  Well, the black community constantly complains about black on black crime, so not necessarily.

It's gotten to the point that "fat pig" is apparently a "misogynist" insult against specifically women, right Megyn Kelly?


Men's Rights Associations.  Is it misogynist to want equal treatment by the family court system?  To not want to pay child support and lose your children to a woman who abused you?  To think that your gender should not mean economic collapse if a marriage doesn't work out?  Or that being male DOESN'T mean not being a good parent?

Well, according to the SJW community, yes to all of that.  So I suppose men are misogynists unless they think unfair treatment is right and just.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Choke Artist opens a pandora's box, and now he's paying for it.

Saying "Google it" at a presidential debate was, in theory, a good idea.  Shock the system with a new approach, and throw your opponent off his game.

2 problems have arisen over the day though:

First, Trump supporters have retaliated by googling Rubio to dig up what dirt they could find, and if you search #ChokeArtist on twitter, you will be seeing it.  For example, they have found out that Rubio has apparent ties to the drug cartels (often following this up speculation that his amnesty support is aimed at empowering said cartels), they found that Rubio was funded by and went to bat for a university that makes Trump U look like a traffic citation, that RubioCare has an individual mandate, that Rubio is a hypocrite on gay rights, and that he is infamous for treating police like garbage.

And, mind you, I'm cutting out a LOT, because if I posted everything, this article would drag on.

Second, the press, that was supposedly pro-Rubio, decided to respond to this by using google to fact check Rubio's claims.  And he's been getting hammered all day for lying about Polish workershis university hypocrisy, and much, much more, but at this point, you've been inundated with enough links for one day.

On paper, good strategy, in practice, it backfired.  Partly because Trump rules on the internet (which should have, in retrospect, foreshadowed it would backfire), and partly because, the MSM wants Hillary to win, and decided to take a Google jab at their own at Rubio, just in case he's nominated.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Politico has a history of racism

Would you say that the idea of a black guy being a predatory rapist of white women is a racist stereotype?  I would, but in late 2011, that is EXACTLY how they characterized Herman Cain, in order to destroy his political career.  It's okay that they didn't like his politics, but it's a bit suspicious that they went with that specific angle.  Though if this were an isolated incident, I would dismiss it as noise.  It is not, however.

Whether Herman Cain is guilty or not, we can't say, but it's a bit odd that after he dropped out of his presidential bid, the controversy COMPLETELY DIED.  If he were guilty, it should be a subject of ongoing concern, no?  Well, moving on.

How about their history of loving Robert Byrd, former KKK Grand Dragon, who helped neo-confederate Strom Thurmond to filibuster a black rights bill, prolonging Jim Crow, and who only apologized and discouraged others because it was politically damaging.  Or how they tried to say that notoriously racist Woodrow Wilson did black people a favor.

Of course, in their latest spat of racism, they ignored that youtube eCelebs Diamond and Silk, started out as nobodies, and tried to imply they were bought, because of course any black person who might consider voting for a non-democrat is a race traitor and a sell out, especially when said person doesn't subscribe to political correctness.  I will admit, that they sell merchandise and monetize their videos, but their VERY FIRST video was an all lives matter video:

The don't even show their faces, it is unlikely that Trump saw this, realized that they were black, and bought them out to start stumping for him.

And the worst part?  They're not even republicans, they are Trump only supporters, but of course, if you're black, and NOT a liberal democrat, politico loves to use racial stereotypes to discredit you, right Herman Cain?

P.S. White liberals like me also get the race traitor treatment, though not as frequently. Maybe we need to STOP this political racism?

Also, a LOT of black voters like Trump's Wall, muslim ban, 9/11 and Iraq war talk.  I doubt ALL of them are bought, but politico sure thinks so.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why Trump's anti-Bush attack was a brilliant move

Remember when Hillary Clinton voted to go to war in Iraq?  I do, and so does Donald Trump, and I promise you, what you saw on the 13th was a prelude to the general election.  No Bernie Sanders won't win, Hillary has enough SUPER Delegates to lose EVERY STATE and still win the primaries.

But back to Trump, not only did he win Independent and Democrat respect that night (and likely some of their votes), but Rasmussen, by far the most accurate pollster, shows that even republicans are maybe lukewarm on the W.  Not just that, but if you factor in the Clinton Family's well known and close association with the Bush family, we can infer that a small percentage of voters will associate Bush's actions with Hillary, albiet, we're talking single digits.  And sure, the Clintons were at Trump's wedding and such, but even that's a MUCH LOOSER association than with the Clintons and Bushes.

Monday, February 15, 2016

A quick reminder of what a failure George W. Bush was

-It's true that he was warned about 9/11, and failed to stop it, proof
-DID NOT unite the country after 9/11, that, in fact, was a result of Al Gore calling on his party to unite behind Bush.   Al Gore is crazy, boring, and not pragmatic, but he did play a great role in uniting us after 9/11, Bush did not.
-The Iraq war.
-Gas prices rose exponentially, OPEC held us hostage, failed to take action, gas went up past $4.00 per gallon. proof
-Killed the economy in 2008, exact cause is still being debated.
-Turned Bill Clinton's surplus into a deficit, and is friends with Barack Obama, who made that problem worse.

So yeah, Trump was right to call GWB a failure at the GOP Debate.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The REAL problem with twitter's timeline change.

While I'm a bit cynical, like most are, about Twitter's timeline changes, I'm not nearly as cynical as some.  Milo Yiaonoppolis, thinks twitter is going to use it to effect the election. I think that is less than likely, they're worried enough as it is about the state of their company and their shareholders are already giving them a ton of grief about the timeline changes.  Not to mention, if they even did this, Trump has ways of getting his message out that twitter CAN'T block, and can always buy up a sizable amount of their shares to counter it as a last resort (he has the money to do it, and would financially benefit in the long run).

The Non-electoral fallout

The REAL problem, is that this is one more step toward shutting down the anti-SJW conversation.  Sure, there are twitter alternatives, but only Twister threatens to become a household name, and is still in beta.  The more household social media clamps down on anti-SJW's, the more likely it is that the war on the Regressive Left will be lost in the long run.  Donald Trump isn't our last hope of defeating it, but he is by far our BEST.  And if social media clamps down, as the regular press already has, what hope is there left?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Hypocrisy of Ted Cruz's "liberal" attack on Donald Trump

Curious, how, Temporary Muslim Bans, an Extreme Hardline on immigration, and an Extreme Hardline on Daesh counts as liberal.  Curious how torturing Daesh with more extreme methods than waterboarding, and not even for interrogation's sake, counts as liberal.  Curious, how strong support for police, albeit, with more emphasis than we have now on accountability, counts as liberal.  Curious, how wanting concealed carry to be a national thing, counts as liberal.  Curious how breaking up Common Core, and taking a stand against the PC Police is liberal.

The curiosities above?  All political positions that Donald Trump has held, consistently, on his campaign trail.

But this is about Cruz's hypocrisy.  So here we will point out, the time he supported amnesty, which he now says was a political game to expose the other republicans in Washington for being too liberal.  That doesn't make any sense, but moving on, how about the time he pulled a John Boehner and allowed Obamacare to be funded?  He has called it a personal win, because he prolonged it for a mere 21 hours?  Well okay, his REAL reason is that he got 2 million people to sign a petition, which you may recognize as something that was NEVER going to be effective.  Since that was essentially asking Obama to defund his own bill, something he has shown ZERO willingness to do.  Accomplishing nothing and calling it a victory based on a bullshit excuse, isn't that what Boehner does?

Okay, but we need more than two examples, so how about in February 2015, 1 year ago, when he was pushing to let the Syrian Refugees in?  Or how about when he supported Obama's idea of strengthening gun background checks?  Or when he proposed expanding H-1B? Or when he failed to vote against Loretta Lynch, because, "not voting" was "the same as a no vote" (he's either deliberately lying, or incredibly stupid).

Update 2/12/2016: Ted Cruz is STILL DOING LIBERAL THINGS in the senate.  He just got through allowing more controversial Obama appointees.  Seems Ted Cruz hasn't stopped being a liberal.

Pretty odd things for a "conservative" to do, no?  And sure, I'm liberal myself and don't mind a liberal, but what I DO mind are liars and hypocrites, and Ted Cruz has proven to be both.

Since Ted Cruz, has an ACTUALLY LIBERAL RECORD of his own, share this blog post abroad.  Let's expose how "liberal" Ted Cruz is, since he wishes to paint Donald Trump that way.  Making stuff up (which Cruz does in general), or bringing up 17 year old views, when you have a bad record of your own is hypocrisy.

Everyone who is reading this, share it as much as you can, expose that lying hypocrite Cruz.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Why carpet bombing Daesh is a horrible idea

Okay, so people have heard Cruz's proposal to "Carpet Bomb" Daesh, and some people actually like it.  The problem is, Daesh, like Al Qaeda, does warfare asymmetrically.  What that means in lamens terms is as follows:

1. There are no battle lines.  Enemy combatants blend in with civilians, engage in sneak attacks, and lay traps.  You don't ever meet an opposing army, per se, you deal with groups who come out of nowhere and start shooting suddenly.

2. They can start shooting from homes, markets, or recreational spots, even hospitals.  You can not just fire into such crowds either, in the hopes of stopping such an attack before it starts.  In fact, on that note, we lead to point 3.

3. Everywhere is a potential battle front.  It can happen anywhere, any time.

Points 1 and 2 mean that if you were to carpet bomb, you'd kill WAY MORE innocents than enemy combatants/terrorists.  They'd get so much more recruits because, although Daesh are indisputably evil themselves, they would legitimately be able to call us bad.

Point 3 means that even if we were to ignore that, which would be absolutely insane, we'd have to carpet bomb the ENTIRE MIDEAST to do it effectively.  We tried doing that with North Vietnam, a MUCH SMALLER AREA, and we FAILED MISERABLY.  I don't think we'd succeed now.  Not to mention the monetary costs.

And sure, Cruz may back down from this proposal, but the fact that he proposed it in the first place should be a good indication that he does not understand how to make the calls that a leader needs to be making.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Why Donald Trump is good for liberals and conservatives alike.

Okay, so it's a known fact that Trump has pull with people across the political spectrum.  The question many people want to know is why?  Well, I can say that when I first joined the Trump Train, I only understood the liberal side of it, but now I understand the conservative side too, let's take a look:

War on the Regressive Left

For those who don't know, the Regressive Left refers to Daesh apologists, Social Justice Warriors, and PC Police.  This is a largely bipartisan problem.

With the first thing, the problem is obvious, we can't be playing tolerance games when people are being brutally beheaded (it's not just chopping heads off, it's a lot more brutal than that), burned to death, and drowned in cages.  The whole Rapefugee thing doesn't help.  I do think his Muslim ban, however temporary, is a bit misguided, but it's a whole lot better than endangering ourselves in the name of tolerance.

SJWs are like PC Police, but much, much worse.  The problems with these two have evolved beyond CryBullying and Safe Spaces.  You can be branded a racist or misogynist just for your hobby (asl the gamer community).  Not just that, but there is even evidence that the SJWs are, ironically, racists themselves.  The Oregon Universities are enacting Jim Crow statutes and trying to censor Maritn Luther King.  Even if these two, very underreported stories really are isolated incidents, it's still scary that things like this can happen in the name of tolerance.

Worse, you have politicians like Hillary who want to enact laws enforcing SJW agendas, and with more such as Bernie, Jeb!, and now Carly Fiorina acting like SJWs, who knows how deep this hole goes?

And his breakup of common core is a major step forward in eliminating SJW culture.

Tough, but fair immigration

From the conservative side, the wall Trump wants to build makes obvious sense.

But from the Liberal side?  Illegal immigration is also a problem.  Wealthy business owners use it for cheap labor, at the expense of citizens.  Sure, deporting them may be a bit harsh, but when they're allowed back, and gain citizenship, they also will benefit from minimum wage, and if they need it, welfare programs.  They'll be able to vote too.

And one last thing about deportation, I had an illegal immigrant coworker who said he was SAD when El Chapo got captured.  I want that kinda filth out, and you should too.

Obamacare Repealed

Obvious from a conservative standpoint.

But on the Liberal side, I personally don't understand why more liberals don't hate Obamacare.  First, it IS NOT universal healthcare.  Second, it benefited the scum-baggy insurance industry, at the expense of the people.  While it's hard to say that there isn't any good within the 2000+ pages, really, it just needs to be trashed.

Repairing US-Russia Relations

I know most of you don't like Vladimir Putin, but be honest, do you really prefer him as an adversary?  I'm not saying we should trust him, in fact, we shouldn't trust any world leader, even the ones claiming to be our friends.  But I think at the least, not provoking him the way Obama does, is probably to our benefit.

"Malleable" is a good thing, and not just for deal making

In real life, being malleable and un-rigid is considered a positive trait, I guess in politics, it's not?

Being able to work with hundreds of Congress and Senators, all from different states, is a good thing.  Sure Obama is a stubborn ass, but he also has to spend a lot of time vetoing bills that republicans routinely pass just to piss him off.  Ever since Obamacare, he has gotten little done (routine budgets aside, and even then, he has had trouble), not nothing, but very little.  In fact, that's pretty much the entire reason he keeps abusing executive power, because he has had to, because the opposition will seldom (not never) work with him.

In fact, world leaders are not pleased with Obama's un-malleableness either.  He defended his right to spy on them, destabilized the mideast, and caused a serious refugee crisis that will harm most of Europe for decades.  Not to mention, if we had stayed out of Ukraine, Europe and Russia would be able to trade more right now, which their economies desperately need.

Someone who isn't a stubborn ass and can work with people is needed.  But don't worry, he has a history of making GOOD deals, I think he would continue that history if elected.

More Intelligent Free Trade

Saturday Night Live warned us about NAFTA, we didn't listen.  And now, we're paying for it.  And it has only gotten worse, and if TPP passes, worse still. Why is Trump the only candidate who wants to end this crap?  I don't know, but I know we better pick him if we want this stuff to stop.

A return to Speaking Softly, but carrying Big Sticks

Finally I will end on this.  I think not going to war all the time, if it isn't a bipartisan thing, it should be,  We need to keep our military strong for when they are needed, but it really is time that we reserve war for when it is necessary, and I don't think anyone but Donald Trump wants to do things this way.  Bernie, to his credit, wants to end the pointless wars, but he leaves out the Big Stick, and the Big Stick is needed, if only as a deterrent.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Open Letter to Donald Trump - Do NOT kill your campaign over Iowa

NOTE: If you're NOT Donald Trump and are reading this, share it with him on Facebook or Twitter.  It may not get through, but it is worth a try.

First, I think You are right to expose Cruz's Fraud and Voter Intimidation in Iowa.  Nothing wrong with that.

But let's be pragmatic for a second, recalling or nullifying election results NEVER goes over well in politics.  Rightly or wrongly, revotes tend to end with the loser, losing again, BY A WIDER MARGIN.  This is precisely why Bush won Florida in 2004 with a solid margin, because, if you remember, it was the Gore Campaign that kept trying to recall the results, and the Kerry Campaign felt the effects of it.

Please, Mr. Trump, expose Cruz and move on.  Iowa does have laws that allow for such things.  But guess what?  You need to leave that to Iowa.  If you take a personal hand in it, I can see that ending your campaign and helping Cruz.  In fairness, your downfall was falsely predicted many times now, but even still, don't take a chance.

Expose Cruz, humiliate Cruz, but let the results stand, if only to use them as an example of what a scumbag Cruz really is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ted Cruz, Voter Intimidater, Commits Election Fraud at the Caucuses

Just ask the Ben Carson Campaign:

Carson: We aren't quitting despite Cruz saying we are

Now, I still think that at least part of the reason Cruz won is because of low Trump supporter Turnout.  You don't go from strongly winning all polls to losing by an indisputable margin on a few stolen votes alone.  Still, this could backfire on Cruz as he'll get crushed for it in the Feb. 6th debate.  Not to mention, the Democrats may now be able to, between this and the Voter Intimidation, have him imprisoned if he makes it to the general.

Sure, people will say it is political, but it is still blatant and flagrant election fraud, there won't be much he can do about it.  Except, of course, have Goldman Sachs hire him a good attorney.  But that, of course, would only make his ties to them so glaringly obvious his reputation will never recover.

Monday, February 1, 2016

I am sorry, Donald Trump, that your supporters are a bunch of idiots

It has been made clear to me, tonight, that many of your supporters think that by NOT SHOWING THE FUCK UP TO VOTE, that they are electing you.  That saying they will vote for you in a survey alone will suffice.  For that, I am sorry.  I can say that for my part, I am not one of those idiots.

It seems, however, that a large chunk of your supporters are, for that, I am sorry.  It is not your fault, it is not mine, it is not most of your supporters', but enough of them are this fucking stupid, and I am sorry.  You fought the good fight Donald, but our country is fucked.  No republican but you could defeat the SJW candidates Hillary and Bernie, and you will not be the republican nominee because not enough of your supporters will vote, passionate as we may be.

I am sorry Donald, the US is screwed, you can't stop it, I can't stop it, but it is, and all we can do is watch in horror.  As gamers are profiled for our hobby, because Anita and the SJW media says we're misogynists.  As Atheists face discrimination because Atheism+.  As people start to get jailed for just because accused of rape.  As people start to face profiling and jailing for anything that is perceived as racist, all we can do is watch in horror.

And if you think I am being paranoid, look at how Canada nearly jailed someone for disagreeing with an SJW, look at how the UK profiles gamers as criminals, because of some stupid twitter feud.  Look at how Hillary and Bernie are jumping on the SJW bandwagon and threatening to enact laws enforcing SJW agendas.

No republican has the numbers to win the white house but Donald Trump, and HIS supporters evidentally DO NOT SHOW UP TO THE POLLS.  We are screwed folks, we're just screwed.

Why I will NEVER vote for Ted Cruz

First, as the blog name suggests, I am a democrat.  And while I am not partisan, and thus, open to voting for republicans given the right circumstances, there is ZERO chance I will ever vote for Ted Cruz.  If republicans want any chance of winning this race, they had better pick someone else, and here are the reasons:

Pretending to filibuster, then caving John Boehner style

This highlights the most real problem with Cruz, he is a phony.  A filibuster works by not giving up. Doesn't always work, I get that.  But Ted didn't even give it a full day, his real objective was to court the conservative vote, and unfortunately, that seems to have worked.  But the point is that it was about votes, not fighting the good fight.  He didn't expect to defeat Obamacare, he knew he had no chance.  He was simply saying "look at me, I'm standing up for you", but he wasn't.

If he couldn't get at least ONE other republican to help him filibuster, there were other options, like reading off their names to their constituents in a press conference (they already won't work with him), or telling his own constituents that he tried to stop it but that any one man filibuster is doomed to fail, cus, you know, human biology.  But he didn't, he needed to show himself making a stand, and that's the problem.  He was aiming for looking like a man of action, and not actually being one.

New York Values - Cruz hates non-conservatives

Yes I am a liberal, I have a right to exist.  Cruz doesn't think so, and I worry if he were ever president, what that would mean for anyone who isn't conservative.  He made it clear in that debate, that he does not like non-conservatives.  And that's his right, but I don't believe people who think that way should be leaders.

Embraces Glenn Beck

It's okay if some whack job endorses you, you can't control people and shouldn't try.  But there is a difference between being endorsed by a wacko, and embracing said wacko.

Voter Intimidation

Alright, let's pretend that this isn't illegal for a second.  Do we want a president who would do such things?  Now it is true that similar letters have been used by other campaigns in the past, the difference, though, is that they usually don't imply that the recipient broke the law in any way.  This is plain, simple bullying of the voter base, and if he's doing this as a candidate, what would he do as a president.


Although he has tried to level this claim at Donald Trump for opinions he held 17 years ago, Cruz himself changes opinions constantly, like with the polling numbers.  In fact, in the past month, he has gone from hating the Ethanol thing, to loving, and back to hating it, WITHIN ONE MONTH, I think that's pretty significant.  Cruz supporters can not understand why he is compared to Hillary Clinton, but this is why.

They both change with polling numbers, it's all about getting votes, not standing on policies.