Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Open Letter to Donald Trump - Do NOT kill your campaign over Iowa

NOTE: If you're NOT Donald Trump and are reading this, share it with him on Facebook or Twitter.  It may not get through, but it is worth a try.

First, I think You are right to expose Cruz's Fraud and Voter Intimidation in Iowa.  Nothing wrong with that.

But let's be pragmatic for a second, recalling or nullifying election results NEVER goes over well in politics.  Rightly or wrongly, revotes tend to end with the loser, losing again, BY A WIDER MARGIN.  This is precisely why Bush won Florida in 2004 with a solid margin, because, if you remember, it was the Gore Campaign that kept trying to recall the results, and the Kerry Campaign felt the effects of it.

Please, Mr. Trump, expose Cruz and move on.  Iowa does have laws that allow for such things.  But guess what?  You need to leave that to Iowa.  If you take a personal hand in it, I can see that ending your campaign and helping Cruz.  In fairness, your downfall was falsely predicted many times now, but even still, don't take a chance.

Expose Cruz, humiliate Cruz, but let the results stand, if only to use them as an example of what a scumbag Cruz really is.

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