Friday, February 5, 2016

Why Donald Trump is good for liberals and conservatives alike.

Okay, so it's a known fact that Trump has pull with people across the political spectrum.  The question many people want to know is why?  Well, I can say that when I first joined the Trump Train, I only understood the liberal side of it, but now I understand the conservative side too, let's take a look:

War on the Regressive Left

For those who don't know, the Regressive Left refers to Daesh apologists, Social Justice Warriors, and PC Police.  This is a largely bipartisan problem.

With the first thing, the problem is obvious, we can't be playing tolerance games when people are being brutally beheaded (it's not just chopping heads off, it's a lot more brutal than that), burned to death, and drowned in cages.  The whole Rapefugee thing doesn't help.  I do think his Muslim ban, however temporary, is a bit misguided, but it's a whole lot better than endangering ourselves in the name of tolerance.

SJWs are like PC Police, but much, much worse.  The problems with these two have evolved beyond CryBullying and Safe Spaces.  You can be branded a racist or misogynist just for your hobby (asl the gamer community).  Not just that, but there is even evidence that the SJWs are, ironically, racists themselves.  The Oregon Universities are enacting Jim Crow statutes and trying to censor Maritn Luther King.  Even if these two, very underreported stories really are isolated incidents, it's still scary that things like this can happen in the name of tolerance.

Worse, you have politicians like Hillary who want to enact laws enforcing SJW agendas, and with more such as Bernie, Jeb!, and now Carly Fiorina acting like SJWs, who knows how deep this hole goes?

And his breakup of common core is a major step forward in eliminating SJW culture.

Tough, but fair immigration

From the conservative side, the wall Trump wants to build makes obvious sense.

But from the Liberal side?  Illegal immigration is also a problem.  Wealthy business owners use it for cheap labor, at the expense of citizens.  Sure, deporting them may be a bit harsh, but when they're allowed back, and gain citizenship, they also will benefit from minimum wage, and if they need it, welfare programs.  They'll be able to vote too.

And one last thing about deportation, I had an illegal immigrant coworker who said he was SAD when El Chapo got captured.  I want that kinda filth out, and you should too.

Obamacare Repealed

Obvious from a conservative standpoint.

But on the Liberal side, I personally don't understand why more liberals don't hate Obamacare.  First, it IS NOT universal healthcare.  Second, it benefited the scum-baggy insurance industry, at the expense of the people.  While it's hard to say that there isn't any good within the 2000+ pages, really, it just needs to be trashed.

Repairing US-Russia Relations

I know most of you don't like Vladimir Putin, but be honest, do you really prefer him as an adversary?  I'm not saying we should trust him, in fact, we shouldn't trust any world leader, even the ones claiming to be our friends.  But I think at the least, not provoking him the way Obama does, is probably to our benefit.

"Malleable" is a good thing, and not just for deal making

In real life, being malleable and un-rigid is considered a positive trait, I guess in politics, it's not?

Being able to work with hundreds of Congress and Senators, all from different states, is a good thing.  Sure Obama is a stubborn ass, but he also has to spend a lot of time vetoing bills that republicans routinely pass just to piss him off.  Ever since Obamacare, he has gotten little done (routine budgets aside, and even then, he has had trouble), not nothing, but very little.  In fact, that's pretty much the entire reason he keeps abusing executive power, because he has had to, because the opposition will seldom (not never) work with him.

In fact, world leaders are not pleased with Obama's un-malleableness either.  He defended his right to spy on them, destabilized the mideast, and caused a serious refugee crisis that will harm most of Europe for decades.  Not to mention, if we had stayed out of Ukraine, Europe and Russia would be able to trade more right now, which their economies desperately need.

Someone who isn't a stubborn ass and can work with people is needed.  But don't worry, he has a history of making GOOD deals, I think he would continue that history if elected.

More Intelligent Free Trade

Saturday Night Live warned us about NAFTA, we didn't listen.  And now, we're paying for it.  And it has only gotten worse, and if TPP passes, worse still. Why is Trump the only candidate who wants to end this crap?  I don't know, but I know we better pick him if we want this stuff to stop.

A return to Speaking Softly, but carrying Big Sticks

Finally I will end on this.  I think not going to war all the time, if it isn't a bipartisan thing, it should be,  We need to keep our military strong for when they are needed, but it really is time that we reserve war for when it is necessary, and I don't think anyone but Donald Trump wants to do things this way.  Bernie, to his credit, wants to end the pointless wars, but he leaves out the Big Stick, and the Big Stick is needed, if only as a deterrent.

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