Sunday, February 21, 2016

Politico has a history of racism

Would you say that the idea of a black guy being a predatory rapist of white women is a racist stereotype?  I would, but in late 2011, that is EXACTLY how they characterized Herman Cain, in order to destroy his political career.  It's okay that they didn't like his politics, but it's a bit suspicious that they went with that specific angle.  Though if this were an isolated incident, I would dismiss it as noise.  It is not, however.

Whether Herman Cain is guilty or not, we can't say, but it's a bit odd that after he dropped out of his presidential bid, the controversy COMPLETELY DIED.  If he were guilty, it should be a subject of ongoing concern, no?  Well, moving on.

How about their history of loving Robert Byrd, former KKK Grand Dragon, who helped neo-confederate Strom Thurmond to filibuster a black rights bill, prolonging Jim Crow, and who only apologized and discouraged others because it was politically damaging.  Or how they tried to say that notoriously racist Woodrow Wilson did black people a favor.

Of course, in their latest spat of racism, they ignored that youtube eCelebs Diamond and Silk, started out as nobodies, and tried to imply they were bought, because of course any black person who might consider voting for a non-democrat is a race traitor and a sell out, especially when said person doesn't subscribe to political correctness.  I will admit, that they sell merchandise and monetize their videos, but their VERY FIRST video was an all lives matter video:

The don't even show their faces, it is unlikely that Trump saw this, realized that they were black, and bought them out to start stumping for him.

And the worst part?  They're not even republicans, they are Trump only supporters, but of course, if you're black, and NOT a liberal democrat, politico loves to use racial stereotypes to discredit you, right Herman Cain?

P.S. White liberals like me also get the race traitor treatment, though not as frequently. Maybe we need to STOP this political racism?

Also, a LOT of black voters like Trump's Wall, muslim ban, 9/11 and Iraq war talk.  I doubt ALL of them are bought, but politico sure thinks so.

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