Saturday, February 13, 2016

The REAL problem with twitter's timeline change.

While I'm a bit cynical, like most are, about Twitter's timeline changes, I'm not nearly as cynical as some.  Milo Yiaonoppolis, thinks twitter is going to use it to effect the election. I think that is less than likely, they're worried enough as it is about the state of their company and their shareholders are already giving them a ton of grief about the timeline changes.  Not to mention, if they even did this, Trump has ways of getting his message out that twitter CAN'T block, and can always buy up a sizable amount of their shares to counter it as a last resort (he has the money to do it, and would financially benefit in the long run).

The Non-electoral fallout

The REAL problem, is that this is one more step toward shutting down the anti-SJW conversation.  Sure, there are twitter alternatives, but only Twister threatens to become a household name, and is still in beta.  The more household social media clamps down on anti-SJW's, the more likely it is that the war on the Regressive Left will be lost in the long run.  Donald Trump isn't our last hope of defeating it, but he is by far our BEST.  And if social media clamps down, as the regular press already has, what hope is there left?

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