Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Hypocrisy of Ted Cruz's "liberal" attack on Donald Trump

Curious, how, Temporary Muslim Bans, an Extreme Hardline on immigration, and an Extreme Hardline on Daesh counts as liberal.  Curious how torturing Daesh with more extreme methods than waterboarding, and not even for interrogation's sake, counts as liberal.  Curious, how strong support for police, albeit, with more emphasis than we have now on accountability, counts as liberal.  Curious, how wanting concealed carry to be a national thing, counts as liberal.  Curious how breaking up Common Core, and taking a stand against the PC Police is liberal.

The curiosities above?  All political positions that Donald Trump has held, consistently, on his campaign trail.

But this is about Cruz's hypocrisy.  So here we will point out, the time he supported amnesty, which he now says was a political game to expose the other republicans in Washington for being too liberal.  That doesn't make any sense, but moving on, how about the time he pulled a John Boehner and allowed Obamacare to be funded?  He has called it a personal win, because he prolonged it for a mere 21 hours?  Well okay, his REAL reason is that he got 2 million people to sign a petition, which you may recognize as something that was NEVER going to be effective.  Since that was essentially asking Obama to defund his own bill, something he has shown ZERO willingness to do.  Accomplishing nothing and calling it a victory based on a bullshit excuse, isn't that what Boehner does?

Okay, but we need more than two examples, so how about in February 2015, 1 year ago, when he was pushing to let the Syrian Refugees in?  Or how about when he supported Obama's idea of strengthening gun background checks?  Or when he proposed expanding H-1B? Or when he failed to vote against Loretta Lynch, because, "not voting" was "the same as a no vote" (he's either deliberately lying, or incredibly stupid).

Update 2/12/2016: Ted Cruz is STILL DOING LIBERAL THINGS in the senate.  He just got through allowing more controversial Obama appointees.  Seems Ted Cruz hasn't stopped being a liberal.

Pretty odd things for a "conservative" to do, no?  And sure, I'm liberal myself and don't mind a liberal, but what I DO mind are liars and hypocrites, and Ted Cruz has proven to be both.

Since Ted Cruz, has an ACTUALLY LIBERAL RECORD of his own, share this blog post abroad.  Let's expose how "liberal" Ted Cruz is, since he wishes to paint Donald Trump that way.  Making stuff up (which Cruz does in general), or bringing up 17 year old views, when you have a bad record of your own is hypocrisy.

Everyone who is reading this, share it as much as you can, expose that lying hypocrite Cruz.

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