Monday, February 29, 2016

How the Regressive Left are creating more bigotry Part 1 - Reverse Bigotry

Reverse Bigotry first, there are a few things that need to be covered on how bad the reverse bigotry has gotten.

Gamer Gate

By now, you probably know the media narrative.  If not, here it is:

-Gamers are misogynist, fat, white male neckbeards who harass women.

If you're black, female, skinny, or don't harass women and play video games, that's probably confusing to you.  Here's the real story:

-Anita Sarkesean has been on a crowd funded smear campaign against video games and people who play them since 2012, gamers took issue with being mislabeled and the predictable mix of sensible and less than sensible backlash took place.

-Zoe Quinn, slept her way into the indie dev scene (in fairness, it is nigh-impossible to get in), cheating on her boyfriend in the process.  When called out on this, she teamed up with Anita and the gaming press to slander the gamer community.

-The regular press jumped on the "gamers are misogynists" bandwagon.

So now, if you play video games, you are at risk of being mislabeled and discriminated against, in the name of tolerance.


I know a lot less about this subject, being a christian.  But the idea is that religious people are misogynists, and so are Atheists if they're not Atheism+.  So now, calling yourself an Atheist runs the same risk as calling yourself a gamer.  That's a bit odd, really

Political Incorrectness, Trump, and the word "slut"

The press seems giddy over Donald Trump, who has denounced David Duke and countless racist groups many times over the past years and even recently, saying he needs to research groups to make sure they are racist before condemning them.  This is not unreasonable, considering how SJW's have mislabeled people for some of the dumbest reasons imaginable.

I don't know if George Zimmerman is racist or not, but if he is, the reason he is racist is NOT because he shot someone who happened to be black, in apparent self defense.  Is Rush Limbaugh a misogynist?  He certainly could be, but it ISN'T because he called someone a slut for taking a lot of birth control.  The scientist who landed a probe on an asteroid?  Maybe misogynist, maybe not, but wearing a T-shirt with hot women on it is NO grounds for accusing him of such.  Is it racist to tweet statistics showcasing black on black crime?  Well, the black community constantly complains about black on black crime, so not necessarily.

It's gotten to the point that "fat pig" is apparently a "misogynist" insult against specifically women, right Megyn Kelly?


Men's Rights Associations.  Is it misogynist to want equal treatment by the family court system?  To not want to pay child support and lose your children to a woman who abused you?  To think that your gender should not mean economic collapse if a marriage doesn't work out?  Or that being male DOESN'T mean not being a good parent?

Well, according to the SJW community, yes to all of that.  So I suppose men are misogynists unless they think unfair treatment is right and just.

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